MEDICHI Workshop 2007

Informatics (computer science) is a thriving science yet its brief history is barely credited as an academic discipline. The existing body of historical literature, while small, includes some brilliant contributions, especially biographical and technological chronicles, as well as some excellent anecdotal treatments. Nevertheless, the methods and didactical approaches for examining the history of informatics are poorly developed; the number of conferences and journals dealing with these issues is few, as is the number of young scientists doing scientific research on the history of informatics. This is not because these topics are uninteresting or irrelevant; rather, the conditions for methodically well-founded research are lacking. The motivation of MEDICHI 2007 is to contribute towards making the „history of informatics” an accepted science and a valued component of Informatics education and research. The focus of the workshop is on the issues of the methodology and didactics of the history of informatics. The workshop will not be restricted to these issues only, and original contributions on any other aspects of the history of informatics will be considered.


Rendező szervek:
  • Klagenfurti Egyetem
  • OCG
  • The Austrian Society for History of Computer Science


  • Laszlo BOESZOERMENYI, President, AT - Universitaet Klagenfurt Wilfried BRAUER, DE Technische Universitaet Muenchen Gerhard CHROUST, AT Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz Ann DUENKI, CH "Donna Informatica" Zuerich Hans Dieter HELLIGE, DE Universitaet Bremen Ulf HASHAGEN, DE Deutsches Museum Wolfgang HOFKIRCHNER, AT Universitaet Salzburg Reinhard KEIL, DE Universitaet Paderborn Werner KOENNE, AT Universitaet Salzburg Michael S. MAHONEY, USA Princeton University Ali MILI, USA New Jersey Institute of Technology Roland MITTERMEIR, AT Universitaet Klagenfurt Otmar MORITSCH, AT Technisches Museum Wien Matthias MUELLER PROVE, DE Sun Microsystems Horst OBERQUELLE, DE Universitaet Hamburg Franz PICHLER, AT Universitaet Linz Raul ROJAS, DE Freie Universitaet Berlin Christian STARY, AT Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz Tibor VAMOS, HU MTA Sztaki Budapest Martin WARNKE, DE Universitaet Lueneburg Joseph WEIZENBAUM, USA, DE MIT - Emeritus Niklaus WIRTH, CH ETH Zuerich - Emeritus - Program Bizottság
  • Tibor Vámos, Joseph Weizenbaum, Niklaus Wirth - special guests

Kiadvány adatai:

Proceedings. Laszlo Böszörmenyi (szerk): MEDICHI 2007 – Methodic and Didactic Challanges of the History of Informatics. OCG. 2007. A Proceedings megtalálható az NJSZT könyvtárban (iTA/1201)

Egyéb megjegyzés:


Képek és videók.

Galériánkban  Vámos, Mahoney és Weizenbaumm fényképe látható

Létrehozva: 2020.07.25. 10:04
Utolsó módosítás: 2024.04.02. 21:14